proknow.ProKnow – ProKnow

class proknow.ProKnow.ProKnow(base_url, credentials_file=None, credentials_id=None, credentials_secret=None)

This is the main class that should be instatiated at the beginning of your Python program with your base URL (which should include your account subdomain) and your API token credentials.


proknow.Requestor.Requestor – An instance of the Requestor class.


proknow.Workspaces.Workspaces – An instance of the Workspaces class.

__init__(base_url, credentials_file=None, credentials_id=None, credentials_secret=None)

Initializes the ProKnow class.

The base_url must be provided as should either the credentials_file or both the credentials_id and credentials_secret.

  • base_url (str) – The base URL to use when making request to the ProKnow API.
  • credentials_file (str) – The path to the credentials file obtained by creating an API key in your ProKnow account. The file should be a JSON file containing an object with the fields id and secret.
  • credentials_id (str) – An API key id.
  • credentials_secret (str) – An API key secret.

AssertionError – If the input parameters are invalid.